Basic Spherical Properties Calculator

Enter any ONE of the four spherical variables (R, C, A or V) and this program will compute the other three unknown variables.  The linear units can be interpreted as anything, such as meters, inches, miles, feet, etc., whatever you decide the units represent.

 R = Radius    unit(s)
 C = Circumference    unit(s)
 A = Area of Surface    square unit(s)
 V = Volume    cubic unit(s)

    Enter only ONE known variable and leave all the others blank.
    Those unknown variables will be computed and displayed here.

The Basic Formulas Applied

R = Radius of Sphere
C = Circumference
A = Area of Surface
V = Volume

and = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 ... ad nauseam

The mathematical relationships between the above variables are:


Jay Tanner - 2024